Танай байгууллага нийгмийн хариуцлагын хүрээнд хэр их сайн дурын ажил зохион байгуулдаг вэ?
Байнга | Тогтмол | Төвлөгөөг хөтөлбөртэй
Заримдаа | Завтай болон боломжтой үедээ л
Хичээдэг | Харамсалтай манайд ийм хөтөлбөр байхгүй
Үгүй | Заавал ийм хөтөлбөр байх шаардлаггүй
Байгууллагын соёл
- 2009 / 06 / 18
Mission - Vision - Slogan - Values
Эдгээр нэр томъёог энгийн хэлбэрээр ойлгох үүднээс доорхи бяцхан жишээг харна уу. Монголын нэгэн залуу одооноос өөртөө зорилго тавин уулчин болохоор шийджээ гэж саная. Тэгвэл тухайн уулчны хувьд доор дурьдсан байдлаар тайлбарлагдах болов уу.

Mission (Эрхэм зорилго)
Эрхэм зорилго гэдэг маань бизнесийн байгууллагын хэзээ ч гүйцэд хүршгүй, байнгын тэмүүлж байх зүйл бөгөөд тухайн компани оршин тогтнож байгаа философи утга учир байх ёстой.

Уулчны хувьд бол энэ нь нар юм. Наранд хэзээ ч хүрэхгүй бөгөөд харин аль болох ойрхон очиж болно.

Vision (Алсын хараа)
Хэтийн зорилго бол эрхэм зорилгодоо хvрэхийн төлөө чиглэсэн ойрын хугацаанд хэрэгжиж болохуйц, хэмжигдэхvйц томоохон зорилго байх ёстой.

Манай уулчны хувьд эхний vеийн алсын хараа/хэтийн зорилго нь Монголд хамгийн өндөрт тооцогдох Отгонтэнгэр, Алтай Таван богд зэрэг уулсад авирах байж болно. Дараа нь Европын Эльбрус оргил, Африкийн Килиманжаро оргил, Америкийн МакКинли оргил гэх зэрэгт авирч болох юм. Ингээд сvvлд нь мэдээж алдарт Эверестийн оргил алсын хараа/хэтийн зорилго болж тавигдах болно. Ямар ч уулчин Эверестийн оргилд шууд авирдаггүйтэй адилаар бизнесийн байгууллага бүр шат дараатайгаар алсын хараагаа тодорхойлдог билээ.  

Slogan (Уриа үг)
Уриа vг гэдэг бол бизнесийн байгууллага өөрийн оршин тогтнож байгаа утга учраа хамгийн энгийнээр амьдралд ойрхноор бусдад ойлгуулах хэлбэр юм.

Уулчны хувьд бол өөрийн тухай ярилцлага өгөхдөө ч, бусадтай ярихдаа ч жишээ нь “Монгол хүний хүч чадал, тэсвэр тэвчээрийг дэлхийд харуулна” гэдэг санааг байнга илэрхийлдэг.

Values (Үнэт зүйлс)
Үнэт зүйл бол тухайн үр дүн, зорилгуудад хүрэхэд бизнесийн байгууллагад ямар ур чадвар, нөхцөл байдал хамгийн чухал хэрэгтэй вэ гэдгийг тодорхойлж өгдөг.

Уулчны хувьд энэ нь тэсвэр тэвчээр, бие бялдрын хөгжил, оновчтой шийдвэр гаргах болон багаар ажиллах чадвар зэрэг болно.

Principles (Зарчим)
Ямар ч хамаагүй аргаар уулын оройд гарах биш харин зөв шудрага, хүнлэг, тусархуу гээд уулчин хүнд байх ёстой сайн сайхан зан чанаруудыг агуулсан байж уулын өндөр оргилд бие сэтгэл цэвэр ариун гарч чадна. Ууланд авирч байхад олон юм тохиолдоно. Тэр үед хувь хүний хувьд, багийн хувьд баримтлах зарчмууд тодорхой байх ёстой. Амжилт үүнээс шууд шалтгаална.

Аливаа асуудлыг тодорхой зарчмуудад түшиглэн шийдвэрлэж байснаар байгууллагын зөв соёлыг бүрдүүлж чадна.

Жишээ 1:


  •    Leadership
  •   Ownership (MCSship)
  •    Innovation
  •    Team spirit
  •    Mastery

We have ambitious goals. Our people play the decisive role in the success of our Company, with their know-how, capabilities, and enthusiasm.  These principles we have set out for ourselves guide both our thinking and our actions, and apply to each and every one of us.
Our organization and the way we work together - in particular our leadership philosophy - are based on these principles. Our principles unleash the qualities and strengths we need to be successful. We live by these ideas.
WE ENHANCE COMPANY VALUE - to open up new opportunities
We generate profitable growth to ensure sustainable success. We leverage our balanced business portfolio, our business excellence and synergies across all segments and divisions.
WE EMPOWER OUR PEOPLE - to achieve world-class performance
Our employees are the key to our success. We work together as a global network of knowledge and learning. Our corporate culture is defined by diversity, by open dialogue and mutual respect, and by clear goals and decisive leadership.
WE STRENGTHEN OUR CUSTOMERS - to keep them competitive
Our success depends on the success of our customers. We provide our customers with our comprehensive experience and solutions so they can achieve their objectives fast and effectively.
WE PUSH INNOVATION - to shape the future
Innovation is our lifeblood, around the globe and around the clock. We turn our people's imagination and best practices into successful technologies and products. Creativity and experience keep us at the cutting edge.

Our ideas, technologies and activities help create a better world. We are committed to universal values, good corporate citizenship and a healthy environment. Integrity guides our conduct toward our employees, business partners and shareholders.


Жишээ 2:

To create and deliver consistently superior value to our:
•    Shareholders
•    Customers
•    Employees
•    Communities

Our core beliefs and values are based on the following principles:
•    We will be open and honest 
•    We take ownership and hold ourselves accountable (for all of our actions)
•    We expect teamwork and collaboration across our organisation for the benefit of all stakeholders
•    We treat everyone with fairness and respect
•    We value speed, simplicity and efficient execution of our promises
And we do not have room for people who do not live these principles
We will be open and honest
•    We tell it like it is
•    We speak up and we are open to other points of view
•    We have candid and constructive conversations based on facts
•    We take time to explain issues and answer questions
•    We aim to ensure that there are no surprises. Mistakes and non-delivery are communicated early
We take ownership and hold ourselves accountable (for all of our actions)
•    We acknowledge our mistakes and if we get it wrong we will put it right
•    We all take responsibility for the way that customers experience the organisation
•    We don’t have a policy or procedures that we don’t take seriously
•    We consider the economic, social and environmental impacts of all our decisions
•    We ensure our decisions are implemented

We expect teamwork and collaboration across our organisation for the benefit of all stakeholders
•    We actively share ideas and information across the organisation in order to capitalise on opportunities to achieve more for our stakeholders
•    We have no room for people who put their personal agendas ahead of the organisation and its customers
•    We value a diverse workforce and each employee’s unique contributions to the team
•    We actively support and ‘speak up’ for our colleagues, the organisation’s decisions and the communities we work with
We treat everyone with fairness and respect
•    We build trusted relationships with all our stakeholders
•    We actively listen and respond appropriately to our stakeholders
•    Decisions are made in a reasonable and consistent manner
•    Opportunities for professional development and career advancement are open to all and depend on ability, performance and contribution to the Group’s success
•    We actively promote the health and well-being of our employees with a balance between personal and work life
We value speed, simplicity and efficient execution of our promises
•    We do what we say we will do n We make it easy for people to do business with us
•    We actively challenge and eliminate practices and policies that don’t add value
•    We promote flexibility and a ‘can do’ approach
•    We always look to do things better, generate new solutions and be more responsive

Жишээ 3 (Procter & Gamble)

Our Values

P&G is its people and the values by which we live.
We attract and recruit the finest people in the world. We build our organization from within, promoting and rewarding people without regard to any difference unrelated to performance. We act on the conviction that the men and women of Procter & Gamble will always be our most important asset.

•      We are all leaders in our area of responsibility, with a deep commitment to deliver leadership results.
•      We have a clear vision of where we are going.
•      We focus our resources to achieve leadership objectives and strategies.
•      We develop the capability to deliver our strategies and eliminate organizational barriers

•      We accept personal accountability to meet our business needs, improve our systems, and help others improve their effectiveness.
•      We all act like owners, treating the Company's assets as our own and behaving with the Company's long-term success in mind.

•      We always try to do the right thing.
•      We are honest and straightforward with each other.
•      We operate within the letter and spirit of the law.
•      We uphold the values and principles of P&G in every action and decision.
•      We are data-based and intellectually honest in advocating proposals, including recognizing risks.

Passion for Winning
•      We are determined to be the best at doing what matters most.
•      We have a healthy dissatisfaction with the status quo.
•      We have a compelling desire to improve and to win in the marketplace.

•      We respect our P&G colleagues, customers, and consumers, and treat them as we want to be treated.
•      We have confidence in each other's capabilities and intentions.
•      We believe that people work best when there is a foundation of trust.

Our Principles

We Show Respect for All Individuals
•      We believe that all individuals can and want to contribute to their fullest potential.
•      We value differences.
•      We inspire and enable people to achieve high expectations, standards, and challenging goals.
•      We are honest with people about their performance.

The Interests of the Company and the Individual Are Inseparable
•      We believe that doing what is right for the business with integrity will lead to mutual success for both the Company and the individual. Our quest for mutual success ties us together.
•      We encourage stock ownership and ownership behavior.

We Are Strategically Focused in Our Work
•      We operate against clearly articulated and aligned objectives and strategies.
•      We only do work and only ask for work that adds value to the business.
•      We simplify, standardize, and streamline our current work whenever possible.

Innovation Is the Cornerstone of Our Success
•      We place great value on big, new consumer innovations.
•      We challenge convention and reinvent the way we do business to better win in the marketplace.

We Are Externally Focused
•      We develop superior understanding of consumers and their needs.
•      We create and deliver products, packaging, and concepts that build winning brand equities.
•      We develop close, mutually productive relationships with our customers and our suppliers.
•      We are good corporate citizens.

We Value Personal Mastery
•      We believe it is the responsibility of all individuals to continually develop themselves and others.
•      We encourage and expect outstanding technical mastery and executional excellence

We Seek to Be the Best
•      We strive to be the best in all areas of strategic importance to the Company.
•      We benchmark our performance rigorously versus the very best internally and externally.
•      We learn from both our successes and our failures.

Жишээ 4 (Coca-Cola):


We are guided by shared values that we will live by as a company and as individuals.

•    Leadership. “The courage to shape the better future”
•    Passion. “Committed in heart and mind”
•    Intergity. “Be real”
•    Accountability. “If it is to be, it’s up to me”
•    Collaboration. “Leverage collective genius”
•    Innovation. “Seek, imagine, create, delight”
•    Quality. “What we do, we do well”

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