Сургалт, хөгжил
Танай байгууллага нийгмийн хариуцлагын хүрээнд хэр их сайн дурын ажил зохион байгуулдаг вэ?
Байнга | Тогтмол | Төвлөгөөг хөтөлбөртэй
Заримдаа | Завтай болон боломжтой үедээ л
Хичээдэг | Харамсалтай манайд ийм хөтөлбөр байхгүй
Үгүй | Заавал ийм хөтөлбөр байх шаардлаггүй
MHRI - Гадаад сургалтын алба
- 2010 / 05 / 16
Public Workshops

Hiring Right: The Competency-Based Approach (HRM107)

Hiring the right people is an important part of creating a high performance team. Effective interviewing is a critical aspect of this process. In this two-day workshop, you will gain helpful tips for resume screening, interpreting non-verbal communication, make effective hiring recommendations and decisions, and learn to ask the right questions which include behavioural interview questions to gain specific and behaviour-based examples of past performance. This workshop is designed to equip those who conduct selection interviews with a comprehensive knowledge of the principles, strategies and techniques of the interview process.


Hiring right  is designed to equip those who conduct selection interviews with a comprehensive knowledge of the principles, strategies and techniques to enable them to get involved in every step of the interview  process and to realise that their success hinges on the quality of the people in their department.

At the end of this workshop, participants will learn how to:

  • Project a professional interviewing image for your organisation

  • Have a process for creating competency requirements for any give position

  • Know why behavioural interviews are two to five times more accurate than traditional interviews

  • Know the principles of interviewing

  • Avoid discriminatory interviewing

  • Set an agenda that keeps the interview proceeding on track

  • Listen effectively for hidden meanings

  • Develop effective behavioural questions to help get STAR responses

  • Conduct effective competency based interviews

  • Make defensible hiring recommendations/decisions 


The Importance of Hiring the Right People

  • The cost of hiring errors

  • Key components of effective selection interview

Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices

Effective Selection Interviewing - A Step by Step Approach

  • Stage 1 - Planning and Preparation

  • Analysis of the open position

  • Determining job requirements

  • Developing selection criteria

  • Creating questions

  • Stage 2 – Contact time with interviewees

  • Stage 3 – Evaluation

Interviewing Skills

  • Listening for responses

  • Assessing body language 

  • Asking effective questions – open, closed, probing, behavioural, Documentation

  • Evaluation and rating


Lectures, interactive discussions, skits and demonstrations, questions and answers, role play.

Who Should Attend

All hiring and HR professionals as well as anyone who is involved in interviewing and hiring people for their organisations. 

Coaching & Mentoring Skills for Manager (HRM104)

Do you want to retain, motivate and develop your staff to be high performers? This workshop will provide you with the required skills and competencies. Discover how you can apply the appropriate coaching functions to meet your subordinates’ needs and build employee commitment towards superior performance.


  • To help participants understand the importance of coaching and mentoring as a leadership role

  • To equip participants with the skills required to use the Superior Coaching Model

  • To equip participants with the skills required in a coach and mentor

  • To explain the mentor-mentee concept and roles of a mentor

  • To give participants extensive feedback on how well they have applied the Superior Coaching Model and skills

  • To provide participants with an opportunity to plan how they will continue to reinforce their learning


  • What is Superior Coaching?

  • The five elements of Superior Coaching

  • The five essential characteristics of Superior Coaching

  • The critical skills in Superior Coaching

  • The coach as a counselor

  • The mentor-mentee relationship

  • The roles of a mentor

  • The effective mentor qualities


Lectures, self-analysis, case studies, group exercises, videos, role-plays and feedback through video-recording.

Who Should Attend

Senior managers, managers, and supervisors who are required to coach and mentor subordinates.

Tel: 70156474 (Onon)
E-mail: info@mhri.mn
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HR Фото